Fiscal Year:
Primary Budget:
Comparison Budget:

   Department  of Transportation or the Florida Turnpike Enterprise, and to
   make  any other payments necessary or incidental to the transactions for
   the purpose of realizing debt service savings and reducing the amount of
   state  debt  outstanding. The division shall, as part of its annual debt
   affordability  report  prepared  pursuant  to  section  215.98,  Florida
   Statutes,  provide  a  description  of the strategies employed to retire
   outstanding  state  debt, the amount of state debt retired, and the debt
   service savings generated. Any unexpended funds shall revert on June 30,

   SECTION 213. The  Division  of  Bond  Finance  is  authorized to redeem,
   defease,  purchase,  or  otherwise extinguish outstanding state bonds of
   the  Department  of Environmental Protection for the Save our Everglades
   and  Florida Forever programs, for the purpose of realizing debt service
   savings  and  reducing  the  amount  of  state  debt  outstanding. Up to
   $230,000,000  from the Land Acquisition Trust Fund may be used for these
   purposes  in  Fiscal  Year 2025-2026. The division shall, as part of its
   annual  debt  affordability  report prepared pursuant to section 215.98,
   Florida  Statutes,  provide  a description of the strategies employed to
   retire outstanding state debt, the amount of state debt retired, and the
   debt service savings generated.

   SECTION 214. The  Chief  Financial Officer shall transfer $18,700,931 in
   nonrecurring  funds from the General Revenue Fund to the State Personnel
   System  Trust  Fund for Fiscal Year 2025-2026. This funding will be used
   for  the  distribution  of  the  Human  Resources  Services Purchase Per
   Statewide Contract allocation. State agencies will transfer funding from
   their  trust  funds to provide the additional payment required for these

   SECTION 215. The  Chief  Financial  Officer shall transfer $2,964,195 in
   nonrecurring  funds  from  the  General Revenue Fund to the 'Division of
   Administrative Hearings' Operating Trust Fund for Fiscal Year 2025-2026.
   This  funding  will be used for the state agencies adjudication services
   to  the  Division of Administrative Hearings (DOAH). State agencies will
   transfer  funding  from  their  trust  funds  to  provide the additional
   payment required for these services.

   SECTION 216. The  Chief  Financial  Officer  shall transfer $347,542,035
   from  the  General  Revenue Fund to the State Employees Health Insurance
   Trust Fund for Fiscal Year 2025-2026.

   SECTION 217. The  Chief Financial Officer shall transfer $5,000,000 from
   the  General  Revenue  Fund to the Cybersecurity Incident Response Trust
   Fund at the Department of Management Services for Fiscal Year 2025-2026.

   SECTION 218. The  Chief  Financial  Officer  shall transfer $429,600,000
   from  the  General  Revenue  Fund  to  the Budget Stabilization Fund for
   Fiscal  Year  2025-2026, as authorized by Article III, section 19(g), of
   the Florida Constitution.

   SECTION 219. The  Chief  Financial Officer shall transfer $1,000,000,000
   from the General Revenue Fund to the Emergency Preparedness and Response
   Fund  for  Fiscal  Year  2024-2025,  as  authorized by section 252.3711,
   Florida Statutes. This section is effective upon becoming law.

   SECTION 220. Any  section  of  this  act,  or  any  appropriation herein
   contained,  if found to be invalid shall in no way affect other sections
   or specific appropriations contained in this act.

   SECTION 221. Except  as  otherwise  provided herein, this act shall take
   effect  July  1,  2025,  or  upon  becoming law, whichever occurs later;
   however,  if  this  act  becomes  law  after July 1, 2025, then it shall
   operate retroactively to July 1, 2025.


       FROM GENERAL REVENUE FUND . . . . . .   50,167,922,112

       FROM TRUST FUNDS  . . . . . . . . . .                    65,455,848,043

         TOTAL POSITIONS . . . . . . . . . .  113,011.26

         TOTAL ALL FUNDS . . . . . . . . . .                   115,623,770,155

          TOTAL APPROVED SALARY RATE . . . .    6,942,427,561