Fiscal Year:
Primary Budget:
Comparison Budget:

   in  Specific  Appropriation  2360A  and section 209 of chapter 2024-231,
   Laws  of Florida, shall revert and is appropriated to the department for
   Fiscal Year 2025-2026 for the same purpose.

   SECTION 195. The  nonrecurring  sum  of  $25,000,000  from  the  General
   Revenue  Fund  is  appropriated to the Department of Commerce for Fiscal
   Year  2024-2025  for  supply  chain  capacity  expansion and storage and
   distribution  at  airports,  inland ports, intermodal logistics centers,
   and  seaports.  The grant program shall be developed in partnership with
   the  Department  of Transportation and grant recipients shall be jointly
   selected   by   the   Department  of  Commerce  and  the  Department  of
   Transportation.  The  unexpended  balance of funds remaining on June 30,
   2025, shall revert and is appropriated to the Department of Commerce for
   Fiscal  Year  2025-2026  for the same purpose. This section is effective
   upon becoming a law.

   SECTION 196. The   unexpended   balance   of   General   Revenue   funds
   appropriated  to  the  Department  of  State  for litigation expenses in
   Specific  Appropriation 3193 of chapter 2024-231, Laws of Florida, shall
   revert  and  is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2025-2026
   for the same purpose.

   SECTION 197. The   unexpended   balance   of   General   Revenue   funds
   appropriated  to  the  Department  of  State  for the replacement of the
   Sunbiz  System  in Specific Appropriation 3239 of chapter 2024-231, Laws
   of  Florida,  shall  revert  and  is  appropriated to the department for
   Fiscal Year 2025-2026 for the same purpose.

   SECTION 198. The  nonrecurring  sum  of  $97,500  in  General Revenue is
   appropriated  to the Department of State for the Northwest Regional Data
   Center  for  Fiscal  Year  2024-2025.  This  section  is  effective upon
   becoming law.

   SECTION 199. The  nonrecurring  sum  of $2,454,056 in General Revenue is
   appropriated  to  the Department of State for reimbursements to counties
   for  special  elections,  pursuant to section 100.102, Florida Statutes,
   for  Fiscal Year 2024-2025. The unexpended balance of funds appropriated
   in  Specific  Appropriation 3202 and this section, remaining on June 30,
   2025, shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year
   2025-2026  for the same purpose. This section is effective upon becoming

   SECTION 200. The  unexpended  balance  in the State Transportation Trust
   Fund  appropriated  to  the  Department  of  Transportation  in Specific
   Appropriation  2092  of  chapter 2024-231, Laws of Florida, for the Data
   Infrastructure  Modernization  shall  revert  and is appropriated to the
   department for Fiscal Year 2025-2026 for the same purpose.

   SECTION 201. The  unexpended  balance  in the State Transportation Trust
   Fund  appropriated  to  the  Department  of  Transportation  in Specific
   Appropriation  2042  of  chapter  2024-231,  Laws  of  Florida,  for the
   Acquisition  of  Motor Vehicles, shall revert and is appropriated to the
   department for Fiscal Year 2025-2026 for the same purpose.

   SECTION 202. The  unexpended balance of funds provided to the Department
   of  Transportation  for  the  City  of  Ocala - NW 44th Avenue Extension
   Project  in  Specific  Appropriation  1988A of chapter 2022-156, Laws of
   Florida,  shall  revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal
   Year  2025-2026 for any remaining improvements of northwest or southwest
   44th Avenue Extension.

   SECTION 203. There  is hereby adopted by reference the increase of fixed
   capital  outlay  budget  authority as set forth in Budget Amendment EOG#
   2025-B0531,  for  the  addition  of  I-4  Corridor  projects to the Work
   Program,  as submitted on January 17, 2025, by the Governor on behalf of
   the  Department of Transportation for approval by the Legislative Budget
   Commission.  The  Governor  shall  modify the approved increase of fixed
   capital  outlay for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 consistent with the amendment.
   The  unexpended  balance  of  funds provided in this section on June 30,
   2025, shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year
   2025-2026  for the same purpose. This section is effective upon becoming

   SECTION 204. The  nonrecurring sum of $5,500,000 from the Highway Safety
   Operating Trust Fund is appropriated to the Department of Highway Safety
   and  Motor  Vehicles for Fiscal Year 2024-2025, for the increase in fuel
   and  motor  vehicle repair costs incurred in Fiscal Year 2024-2025. This
   section is effective upon becoming law.