Fiscal Year:
Primary Budget:
Comparison Budget:

   SECTION 149. The  unexpended  balance  of  nonrecurring  Operating Trust
   Funds   appropriated   to   the   Department   of  Lottery  in  Specific
   Appropriation 2829 of chapter 2024-231, Laws of Florida, for the Lottery
   Database  Redesign  shall  revert  and  is  appropriated  in Fiscal Year
   2025-2026 to the Department of Lottery for the same purpose.

   SECTION 150. The  unexpended  balance  of  nonrecurring  Operating Trust
   Funds   appropriated   to   the   Department   of  Lottery  in  Specific
   Appropriations  2826  and 2829 of chapter 2024-231, Laws of Florida, for
   the  Security Case Management System shall revert and is appropriated in
   Fiscal Year 2025-2026 to the Department of Lottery for the same purpose.

   SECTION 151. The   unexpended  balance  of  Administrative  Trust  Funds
   appropriated  to the Department of Management Services in section 189 of
   chapter  2024-231,  Laws of Florida, for contracted legal services shall
   revert and is appropriated in Fiscal Year 2025-2026 to the Department of
   Management Services for the same purpose.

   SECTION 152. The   unexpended   balance   of   nonrecurring   Architects
   Incidental  Trust  Funds  appropriated  to  the Department of Management
   Services  in  specific  appropriation  2880 of chapter 2024-231, Laws of
   Florida, for the lease costs associated with the temporary relocation of
   state  employees and equipment located at state-owned buildings that are
   in  the  process  of being renovated shall revert and is appropriated in
   Fiscal  Year  2025-2026 to the Department of Management Services for the
   same purpose.

   SECTION 153. The   unexpended   balance   of   General   Revenue   Funds
   appropriated  to  the  Department  of  Management  Services  in specific
   appropriation  2978A of chapter 2024-231, Laws of Florida, for the local
   match share of E-Rate for Fiscally Constrained Counties shall revert and
   is appropriated in Fiscal Year 2025-2026 to the Department of Management
   Services for the same purpose.

   SECTION 154. The   unexpended   balance   of   General   Revenue   Funds
   appropriated  to  the  Department  of  Management  Services  in specific
   appropriation  2980  of  chapter  2024-231,  Laws  of  Florida,  for the
   creation of a state match program for school and library E-Rate eligible
   special construction projects shall revert and is appropriated in Fiscal
   Year  2025-2026  to  the  Department of Management Services for the same

   SECTION 155. The   unexpended   balance   of   General   Revenue   Funds
   appropriated  to the Department of Management Services in section 196 of
   chapter  2024-231, Laws of Florida, for the upgrade of the Statewide Law
   Enforcement  Radio  System  to  Project  25  compliance with the current
   operator  shall  revert  and is appropriated in Fiscal Year 2025-2026 to
   the Department of Management Services for the same purpose.

   SECTION 156. The   unexpended   balance   of   General   Revenue   Funds
   appropriated  to the Department of Management Services in section 200 of
   chapter 2024-231, Laws of Florida, to provide nonrecurring assistance to
   local  governments  for the development and enhancement of cybersecurity
   risk management programs shall revert and is appropriated in Fiscal Year
   2025-2026 to the Department of Management Services for the same purpose.

   SECTION 157. The  nonrecurring  sum  of  $42,578,554  from  the  General
   Revenue Fund is appropriated to the Department of Management Services in
   Fiscal  Year  2024-2025  to  continue  the Heating, Ventilation, and Air
   Conditioning (HVAC) and window replacement fixed capital outlay projects
   at the Capitol Complex. This section is effective upon becoming law.

   SECTION 158. The nonrecurring sum of $2,000,000 from the State Employees
   Health  Insurance  Trust  Fund  is  appropriated  to  the  Department of
   Management  Services  in  Fiscal  Year  2024-2025  to  procure a service
   effective  for  the  2026  Plan  Year  that  makes  it  easier for state
   employees  and  retirees  to access benefit information in one platform;
   provides  live  guidance  on  benefits  and coverage through a chat; and
   increases  participation  in  the  Shared Savings Programs. The contract
   with  the chosen provider must contain a guaranteed return on investment
   and  be  based  on  a  per-engaged  user  cost structure. Any unexpended
   balance  of  funds  remaining  on  June  30,  2025,  shall revert and is
   appropriated  in  Fiscal  Year 2025-2026 to the Department of Management
   Services  for  the same purpose. This section is effective upon becoming

   SECTION 159. The   unexpended   balance   of   General   Revenue   Funds