Fiscal Year:
Primary Budget:
Comparison Budget:

   Rental  Assistance  Program  in  Budget Amendment EOG# 2025-B0027, shall
   revert  and  is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2025-2026
   for the same purpose.

   SECTION  80. The  unexpended  balance  in  the Federal Grants Trust Fund
   provided  to  the  Department  of  Children  and  Families  in  Specific
   Appropriation  322  of chapter 2024-231, Laws of Florida, for Children's
   Justice  Act Task Force Initiatives, shall revert and is appropriated to
   the department for Fiscal Year 2025-2026 for the same purpose.

   SECTION  81. The unexpended balance in the General Revenue Fund provided
   to  the  Department  of  Children and Families in Specific Appropriation
   section   313   of  chapter  2024-231,  Laws  of  Florida,  for  Hotline
   Operations,  shall  revert  and  is  appropriated  to the department for
   Fiscal Year 2025-2026 for the same purpose.

   SECTION  82. The  unexpended  balance  in  the Federal Grants Trust Fund
   provided  to  the  Department of Elder Affairs in section 110 of chapter
   2024-231,  Laws  of Florida for COVID-19 response grants and activities,
   shall  revert  and  is  appropriated  to  the department for Fiscal Year
   2025-2026 for the same purpose.

   SECTION  83. The unexpended balance in the General Revenue Fund provided
   to  the  Department of Elder Affairs in Section 111 of chapter 2024-231,
   Laws  of  Florida,  for  Public  Guardianship  Contracted Services shall
   revert  and  is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2025-2026
   for the same purpose.

   SECTION  84. The unexpended balance in General Revenue Funds provided to
   the Department of Elder Affairs in section 113 of chapter 2024-231, Laws
   of Florida, to the Department of Elder Affairs for client management and
   monitoring  purposes, shall revert and is appropriated to the department
   for Fiscal Year 2025-2026 for the same purpose. The Office of Public and
   Professional  Guardians  shall  work  in  consultation with professional
   guardianship associations.

   SECTION  85. The  unexpended  balance  in the General Revenue Funds, the
   Federal Grants Trust Fund, and the Operations and Maintenance Trust Fund
   provided  to  the  Department of Elder Affairs in Specific Appropriation
   413  of chapter 2024-231, Laws of Florida, for the implementation of the
   Enterprise  Client Information and Registration Tracking System (eCIRTS)
   shall  revert  and  is  appropriated  to  the department for Fiscal Year
   2025-2026 for the same purpose.

   SECTION  86. The  unexpended balance in the General Revenue Fund and the
   Federal Grants Trust Fund provided to the Department of Elder Affairs in
   section  114  of  chapter  2024-231.  Laws  of Florida, to competitively
   procure  independent verification and validation (IV&V) services for the
   Enterprise  Client  Information  Registration  Tracking  System (eCIRTS)
   shall  revert  and  is  appropriated  to  the department for Fiscal Year
   2025-2026 for the same purpose.

   SECTION  87. The unexpended balance in the General Revenue Fund provided
   to  the  Department of Elder Affairs in section 116 of chapter 2024-231,
   Laws  of Florida, for Guardianship Data Transparency shall revert and is
   appropriated  to  the  department for Fiscal Year 2025-2026 for the same

   SECTION  88. The  unexpended  balance  in the Administrative Trust Fund,
   the  Federal  Grants  Trust Fund, and the County Health Department Trust
   Fund  provided  to the Department of Health for COVID-19 response grants
   and  activities  in  section  118  of chapter 2024-231, Laws of Florida,
   shall  revert  and  is  appropriated  to  the department for Fiscal Year
   2025-2026 for the same purpose.

   SECTION  89. The  unexpended  balance  in  the Federal Grants Trust Fund
   provided  to  the  Department of Health in Specific Appropriation 552 of
   chapter  2024-231,  Laws  of Florida, for the Early Steps Administrative
   System,  shall  revert  and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal
   Year 2025-2026 for the same purpose.

   SECTION  90. The  unexpended  balance  in  the Medical Quality Assurance
   Trust   Fund   provided   to   the  Department  of  Health  in  Specific
   Appropriation  565  of chapter 2024-231, Laws of Florida, to replace and
   modernize  the  Medical  Quality  Assurance  Licensing, Enforcement, and
   Information Database System (LEIDS), shall revert and is appropriated to
   the department for Fiscal Year 2025-2026 for the same purpose.

   SECTION  91. The unexpended balance in the General Revenue Fund provided