Fiscal Year:
Primary Budget:
Comparison Budget:

   chapter  2024-231,  Laws  of  Florida, for the Dually Diagnosed Program,
   shall  revert and is appropriated to the agency in Fiscal Year 2025-2026
   for the same purpose.

   SECTION  69. There  is  hereby  appropriated  for Fiscal Year 2024-2025,
   $6,500,000  in  nonrecurring  funds from the General Revenue Fund to the
   Operations  and  Maintenance  Trust Fund for the Agency for Persons with
   Disabilities  to  address  deficits  in  the  Developmental Disabilities
   Centers (DDCs). This section is effective upon becoming law.

   SECTION  70. The  unexpended balance in the Opioid Settlement Trust Fund
   provided  to  the  Department of Children and Families in Section 90 and
   the  unexpended balance of funds appropriated in Specific Appropriations
   374, 375A, 376, and 377 of chapter 2024-231, Laws of Florida, for issues
   funded  by  the  Opioid  Settlement  Trust  Fund,  shall  revert  and is
   appropriated  to  the  department for Fiscal Year 2025-2026 for the same

   SECTION  71. The  unexpended  balance  in  the Federal Grants Trust Fund
   provided  to  the  Department  of Children and Families in section 91 of
   chapter  2024-231,  Laws  of  Florida,  for  Family First Prevention Act
   Transition funds, shall revert and is appropriated to the department for
   Fiscal Year 2025-2026 for the same purpose.

   SECTION  72. The  unexpended balance in the General Revenue Fund and the
   Federal  Grants  Trust  Fund  provided to the Department of Children and
   Families  in  section 93 and the unexpended balance of funds provided in
   Specific Appropriation 306 in chapter 2024-231, Laws of Florida, for the
   modular  replacement of the Florida Safe Families Network system that is
   compliant  with  federal  Comprehensive Child Welfare Information System
   (CCWIS)  regulations  and the modernization of the supporting enterprise
   architecture,  shall  revert  and  is appropriated to the department for
   Fiscal Year 2025-2026 for the same purpose.

   SECTION  73. The  unexpended balance in the General Revenue Fund and the
   Federal  Grants  Trust  Fund  provided to the Department of Children and
   Families  in  section 94 and the unexpended balance of funds in Specific
   Appropriation  307  of  chapter  2024-231,  Laws  of  Florida,  for  the
   modernization  of  the  Automated  Community Connection to Economic Self
   Sufficiency (ACCESS) Florida system, shall revert and is appropriated to
   the department for Fiscal Year 2025-2026 for the same purpose.

   SECTION  74. The  unexpended  balance  in  the Federal Grants Trust Fund
   provided  to  the  Department  of Children and Families in section 96 of
   chapter  2024-231,  Laws  of  Florida,  for  the  information technology
   solution   to   modernize   the   Adult   Protection  Services  and  the
   modernization  of  the  supporting enterprise architecture, shall revert
   and  is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2025-2026 for the
   same purpose.

   SECTION  75. The  unexpended  balance  in  the Federal Grants Trust Fund
   provided  to  the  Department  of Children and Families in section 97 of
   chapter  2024-231,  Laws of Florida, for Adult Protection Services shall
   revert  and  is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2025-2026
   for the same purpose.

   SECTION  76. The  unexpended balance in the General Revenue Fund and the
   Federal  Grants  Trust  Fund  provided to the Department of Children and
   Families  in  section 99 of chapter 2024-231, Laws of Florida, for local
   prevention  grants  to  communities  to encourage innovation and provide
   seed  funding  for  evidenced-based  prevention services and programs to
   serve  children  and  families,  shall revert and is appropriated to the
   department for Fiscal Year 2025-2026 for the same purpose.

   SECTION  77. The unexpended balance in the General Revenue Fund provided
   to  the  Department  of  Children and Families in section 105 of chapter
   2024-231,  Laws of Florida, for contracted services to develop a process
   for  storing, managing, and providing management reports on homelessness
   data, shall revert and is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year
   2025-2026 for the same purpose.

   SECTION  78. The unexpended balance in the General Revenue Fund provided
   to  the  Department  of  Children and Families in section 106 of chapter
   2024-231,  Laws  of  Florida,  for  a Closed Loop Referral System, shall
   revert  and  is appropriated to the department for Fiscal Year 2025-2026
   for the same purpose.

   SECTION  79. The  unexpended  balance  in  the Federal Grants Trust Fund
   provided  to  the  Department of Children and Families for the Emergency